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Blissborn Educators' Downloads
Check these out -- each one is updated and some are brand new -- so they may be a bit different from what your manual may say!
With the documents below, you will have access to both the Chinese and the English version. Look for the correct heading in your preferred language (they are two separate files):
Blissborn Educators' Downloads in 中文
Blissborn Educators' Downloads in English
Save these to your own computer for your convenience.
We suggest making a folder on your computer called "Blissborn" and sub-folders for each category.
课堂文件In-class documents
The latest versions of our support documents
Class 1 Intake form
This new form works well with other new stuff, including a release for the emails (see below). Customize -- for instance, you may not want to use the HIPAA portion. Just so you know: This is not a legal document. Run your own form of this by your lawyer to make sure you comply with the state and federal laws where you live.
Class 1 Notes
New! After each class, keep track of your students' progress on this confidential form. Find a couple of good affirmation words for each student. Use in the Class 5 hypnosis, where you have the option of adding in any words that will support your students.
Class 1 Receipt
A nice-looking paper receipt you can customize. You are the "payee." Chinese students: you can put your own Mandarin into this form as it is, or use a receipt that you buy.
Class 1 Sign in
Have students sign in for each class on this sheet.
C5-1-1分娩喜好邮件 (我们收到了这个文件的两个版本)
Class 5 Birth Preferences to email
New! Save this in a special spot to attach this Word document to your Class 5 email, to make it easier for students to create their Birth Preferences documents. For more info, see "Emails to parents," below, or click here to find those emails.
Class 5 Roster for students
To make it easier for students to share contact info with each other, have them fill out and take a picture of this, or make a copy for them.
Class 5 Top priorities (Use instead of cards)
New! Same as the Class 5 handout (to the left) for the Priority Sorting exercise.
Class 5 Top priorities cards (Or use handout)
This is the old version of the Priority Sorting exercise. If you still want to use it, print it on perforated business card stock to make it easy.
Date calculator wheel
Is yours getting a bit worn? Print a new one here. The words are in English. If you need help, please ask!
Emails to parents
New! Send an email after each class to keep in touch, encourage homework completion, and provide valuable links to students. You can also click here to find these emails if you don't want to download.
Extra guest agreement
Slightly updated version. Again, just so you know: This is not a legal document. Run your own form of this by your lawyer to make sure you comply with the state and federal laws where you live.
Quiet Please door sign
New and pretty version to put on the door of the place you're teaching, to ask everyone to be quiet for you. Print this one in color
发放资料 Handouts
The latest versions of our Class Handouts
Class 1 Handout Let Go Trigger reminder
Updated! Pretty! Please print this new sign to replace the old version.
Class 2 Handout Ecstatic Birth article
The same article as before, but a bit more compressed.
Class 2 Handout Partner duties, affirmations
Updated a bit.
Class 3 Handout Facing Down Fear MOM
New Fear Processing Handout -- this one is more detailed. Check with Laura if you have questions. Print out one of these for each mom in your class, and print a separate one for each partner -- they have different examples on them (see below).
Class 3 Handout Facing Down Fear PARTNER
New Fear Processing Handout -- this one is more detailed. Check with Laura if you have questions.
Class 4 Handout Guest Comfort Techniques record
Updated a bit. Use with any extra guests (beyond the mom and her partner) attending this class.
Class 5 Handout Flyer to customize
Customize this one-page handout for students to share with their friends. Consider offering a discount here to friends and family.
Class 5 Handout Informed Consent cards
Pretty and functional. Just print on business card stock. You can also save the JPEG file from this document to create professional cards.
Class 5 Handout Letter for the provider
Slightly updated version. Feel free to customize with your own information.
Class 5 Handout Letter for the team
Slightly updated version. Feel free to customize.
Class 5 Handout Shh door sign
New and beautiful! Print this in color for your students, to remind others to keep it quiet on the birth day.
Class 5 Handout Survey
Slightly updated version. Customize this to answer your own questions about your classes. This is just for your use -- we don't ever collect these pages.
Class 5 Handout Top priorities Use instead of cards
Use this one-page handout instead of the cards in the Priority Sorting exercise. It's easier, and students can take their sheets home at the end.
Blissborn 商标 Blissborn Logo
Read Guidelines before use
We have an updated version of the logo available for your use. Please check out the different styles below, after reading our guidelines for their use.
Blissborn Guidelines for use of Blissborn logo and materials
You are welcome to use the Blissborn logo in your marketing materials and on your website. In fact, we encourage you to use our language and layout! However, we have some requirements. Please read up on how to use our copyrighted and trademarked materials to make your marketing pop!
Blissborn Logo B black
A simple small version: Just the "B" with a heart, in black and white. Right-click to save this one as a JPEG (or JPG) file.
Blissborn Logo flower B
The "B" portion of the logo in color, with the flowers behind it. Right-click to save as a JPEG (or JPG) file.
Blissborn Logo flower background
The logo, in its full glory. Right-click to save as a JPEG (or JPG) file.
Blissborn Logo for a pen
Interested in ordering your own pens? Here's a simple black and white design. Add your information on the design site. Right-click to save as a JPEG or JPG file.
Blissborn Logo white background
A simple version of the logo, in color, with no background. Right-click to save, as a JPEG or JPG file.
Blissborn Logo You're Built For a Better Birth
The logo in color, with the tagline, "You're built for a better birth." Right-click to save this as a JPEG or JPG.
Blissborn Website Favicon (the little icon on a website tab)
Look up at the tab on this web page. See that little icon with the "B" on it? It's called a favicon. Now you can add this detail to your website, too. Right-click to save this one as a PNG file.
Remember: If you have specific needs, get in touch! We're here to help!
营销Marketing documents
The latest versions of your marketing docs
Business card pic名片图片
Business cards JPEGs and instructions
New! Use these templates on a design site (we suggest Vistaprint.com -- look for coupons before buying!) to create nice business cards.
Business card名片内容
Business cards sheet Customize and print
New! You can use this page to print your own business cards.
Flyer to customize给顾客的宣传单
Flyer to customize
The same as the handout, above. Consider customizing this one as a marketing tool.
Free MP3 general
New! A pretty card to order professional cards to use as a marketing tool. Directs clients to Blissborn.com for a free 10-minute download. We suggest doing a two-sided card, with your information on the back. Right-click on the picture to save this one as a JPEG (or JPG) file.
Free MP3 to customize
New! This pretty card has a space for your info. Make your own MP3 for your own website using the instructions below, or just put your own information on this card to direct clients to our ready-made MP3. Right-click on the picture to save this one as a JPEG (or JPG) file.
Instructions for recording MP3
New! Use these helpful instructions to make your own free download for your own website, using the "Joyful Pregnancy" script below.
Blissborn script喜悦分娩催眠词
Joyful Pregnancy script
A script you can use to create your own MP3 file, or read live, at seminars.
One hour seminar1小时试听——课程设计
Seminar 1 hour outline
Customize this updated outline to market your classes at free or low-cost events. Help people get to know you and understand more about what you're offering.
Seminar ideas
Marketing language for seminars. Updated.
In-take form签到表
Seminar sign in sheet
Use this updated sheet to gather attendees' information.
Bb videos talk points分娩视频谈话要点
Talking points for Blissborn Movie
A few more things for you to know about, in case people ask.
You're just one quick click away from lots of other great stuff -- exclusively for you!
Blissborn Educator Resources
Need help? We're here for you! Just click here to go to our contact page -- we'll get right back to you.
You are always free to ask for help from Laura or Shelley or Rachel.
We've got your back.