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Free hypnosis
If you're here, you're probably looking for some answers about your pregnancy and birth. You might be wondering about this hypnosis stuff, too. We get it!
Here's a nice relaxation track for you to work with -- because you deserve to relax. Relaxing like this is the opposite of stress. We think you'll like it.
This is not an advertisement -- just a gift for you. Sit back, relax, and give yourself a few minutes to focus on your baby. You can listen here or download it for your own use.
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Hypnosis tracks you can buy
Try some other hypnosis tools, or add to your Blissborn experience!
Whether you’re hypno-curious, looking for a specific tool, or
you’re a big fan who wants to own everything we’ve ever created, you have lots of options here.
Each set of recordings contains a unique type of relaxation,
so you might want to buy them all… and you can mix and match!
And it’s good to know… Most of these tracks are NOT included in the Blissborn materials, unless noted.
Perfect Positioning
Perfect Positioning is a 30-minute set of recordings to help with baby positioning. If you’re wanting to practice well and learn some great visualizations, and support a good position for your baby in birth; or if your baby is already facing a direction that isn’t optimal for birth, this is a simple, open-ended way to work with your baby and your body. It is also geared to working with what is safest for you and your baby, and not to achieving one specific outcome. Note: if your baby is breech-positioned right now (head up), consider the “Head Down Baby” recording below instead of/in addition to this one!
You can listen to a sample below, without downloading anything, and the full set is available for purchase HERE, or by clicking the button below. It’s just $5 for the three tracks. These tracks are NOT included in the Blissborn materials.
Head Down Baby
Head Down Baby is a 45-minute set of recordings to help with baby positioning — if your baby is currently breech (in a head-up position). This is a simple, open-minded way to work with your baby and your body to create powerful relaxation, and send a message to your baby that it’s time to turn head-down... It is also geared to working with what is safest for you and your baby, and not to achieving one specific outcome. This set contains an explanation track, a new progressive relaxation, a visualization track, and a count-out track. Each recording can be used separately or together. You can even mix and match with some of the other sets sold here. We love options!
Hint: if you are scheduled for an external cephalic version (ECV) to attempt to turn your baby manually, use these tracks to prepare before and to relax during the procedure (with your provider’s blessing)!
You can listen to a sample below, without downloading anything, and the full set is available for purchase HERE, or by clicking the button below. It’s just $5 for the four tracks. These tracks are NOT included in the Blissborn materials.
Getting Labor Started
Getting Labor Started is a 40-minute set of recordings to help get your labor going — if and ONLY IF you have your provider’s blessing. This set contains an explanation track, a new “wave” relaxation, a track to connect to your pregnancy, and a track to let your body and baby know that it’s go time. Each recording can be used separately or together. You can even mix and match with some of the other sets sold here. We love options!
We really believe that babies should choose their own birthdays, if at all possible. And sometimes things change, or you’re approaching your “due” date and the next step will be induction… If the time has come, this is a simple, open-ended way to work with your baby and your body to create powerful relaxation, and send a message to your baby that it’s time to come out into your loving arms. It is also geared to working with what is safest for you and your baby, and not to achieving one specific outcome. You can listen to a sample below, without downloading anything, and the full set is available for purchase HERE, or by clicking the button below. It’s just $5 for the four tracks. These tracks are NOT included in the Blissborn materials.
Time to Move
Time to Move is a 24-minute set of recordings to help with your ride to your birth place… imagine laboring along at home and finding your rhythm and routine, and feeling safe… and then needing to shift gears for your ride to the hospital or birth center. The change of your routine and your area, and added movement restrictions can be tough. Sometimes this shift happens when you’re in transition, and this can be REALLY challenging.
The first track is for practicing and putting some tools in place before the trip — you’ll use this at least a couple of times before labor begins. The second track is for use as you move to your birth place. It’s a 12-minute track that’s meant to be played on a loop, and support your comfort and calm during the ride. These tracks are available for purchase HERE, or by clicking the button below. It’s just $5 for the two tracks. These tracks ARE included in the Blissborn materials — if you’re a Blissborn student, do not purchase this set of tracks.