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Listen to Blissborn Radio on your computer or on your phone or tablet for free (if you have a subscription, there aren't any ads) any time you could use more relaxation, and if you'll have internet service at your birth place! This peaceful music was hand-picked to set the stage for your blissful labor and birth. *Please note you cannot search Blissborn Radio on Pandora, but once you click through from this link, you'll have it in your station list.
If you've got Spotify, you can access this playlist. Works well with a subscription so there are no ads. We have hand-picked this music to support bliss and quiet in your rest, your labor, and your and birth.
Check out our pin boards on Pinterest, a cork board for your mind. Peaceful birth and natural parenting, Places to go in your mind, and Healthy choices for your family.
These links are fun, interesting and educational. Many are referenced in the Blissborn class.
See two videos of normal birth in simplified 3D animation format:
one with a focus on the cervix, and one with a focus on the pelvic bones and what a baby's "station" means in birth.
Hypnosis is great for pain control. Watch this video of a hernia operation with hypnosis as the only anesthetic. Be aware, this one has short scenes of the surgery in it.
For any remaining doubts, we also invite you to watch:
Another video of a hernia surgery. This one’s a couple of hours long, and includes the entire surgery, as well as an interesting history of both hypnosis and anesthesia, a dental surgery, a surgery removing a thyroid growth, and a panel of experts (hint: fast forward through the old British ads)
the Discovery Channel shows how hypnosis helps alleviate pain in the office of a dentist using hypnosis instead of anesthesia.
Super-sensationalized 1990s program with two births. Dr. Larry Goldman used his own form of hypnosis. High-drama but worth watching. First watch Part 1, then Part 2.
Try out a few acupressure points to help in labor.
This shoulder point is for starting labor.
This lower back point is for comfort during labor.
See a preview of The Business of Being Born, a documentary movie about the crisis facing pregnant women and birth in America. This movie is largely responsible for the shift toward more natural, supported birth in the U.S. Highly recommended.
Watch a trailer for Orgasmic Birth, a film about the physical joy that's possible during labor. You can watch this one online.
Watch a fantastic animation of the whole process of your baby's conception and growth, all the way through being a boogie-baby in the womb. Set to dance music.
Find info about Birth Into Being: Russian Waterbirth, a revolutionary movie featuring five beautiful natural births. Also on this website, view an inspirational 10 minutes of the movie Birth As We Know It.
After reading lots of interesting articles, download the free e-book "Ecstatic Birth - Nature's Hormonal Blueprint for Labor" by Dr. Sarah J. Buckley, describing the beneficial hormone cocktail that makes natural birth work.
Learn a variety of ways to get baby into the best position for birth, as well as how to work with a breech baby, at Spinning
Checking out the hospital maternity wards, birthing centers and home birth options? Ask these 10 Maternity Center Questions to help you choose the places and providers most likely to honor and support your wishes. Provided by Mothering Magazine Online.
See what the cesarean rate is in your state, as well as in your state's hospitals at Is the rate going down?
Watch this video of flowers opening, and imagine your cervix as that flower when it's time for birth. Age-old technique, newfangled technology.
Get inspired by meditations for any parenting situation: Meditating Mamas.
Read about the findings of the Listening to Mothers studies.
Be a part of the solution. Share your experiences after your baby is born with a giant, nationwide Birth Survey aimed at improving maternity care in the U.S.
Before you decide to buy that crib, read this great article by James J. McKenna, PhD called, "Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep Alone."
Helpful Organizations and Websites
Many organizations have been created just to help parents and improve pregnancy, birth and parenting world-wide. Here are a few to get you started:
Birth advocacy
CIMS: The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services supports evidence-based care and features the mother-friendly childbirth initiative. The website offers many helpful checklists and surveys.
DONA: Doulas of North America provides listings of local doulas to provide continuous support, advice and encouragement during labor and birth. You can find more doulas and info at and
Dr. Sears: Great advice for just about everything, including attachment parenting, co-sleeping, circumcision, baby-wearing, and vaccines. Get trusted medical opinions from a compassionate source. Before the birth, check the statistics for your provider and birth place. After the birth, report your birth experience for the database.
The Childbirth Connection: Helping women and childbirth professionals make informed childbirth decisions, with links to lots of free and low-cost birth movies on demand.
Mothering Magazine: An online source for articles and advice on numerous pregnancy, birth and parenting topics.
Mothering-dot-commune: Answers from your peers on just about any topic you can imagine.
Midwifery Today online: Hot topics in the world of woman-focused birthing.
Mothers Naturally: Celebrates and supports natural pregnancy and birth.
ICAN: The International Cesarean Awareness Network. Their mission is to improve mom and baby health by preventing unnecessary cesareans, supporting cesarean recovery and promoting VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean).
Peristats: The March of Dimes' nationwide statistics on nearly every aspect of birth, organized by state.
Bold: "A Global Movement to Make Maternity Care Mother-Friendly." A play, a Red Tent experience, a powerful movement...This has been called "The Vagina Monologues" for birth by Christianne Northrup.
Waterbirth International: Dedicated to making waterbirth an available option for all women, this is a great resource for waterbirth!
La Leche League International: Promoting and supporting breastfeeding with mother-to-mother support, plus encouragement and education from lactation experts.
DONA: Doulas of North America provides listing of local postpartum doulas who can help you with breastfeeding challenges.
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action: Lots of articles about protecting, supporting and promoting breastfeeding.
Baby CPR: Free online baby CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) instructions and video demonstrations with no ads. This is one of the few sites with a quick-launch video that provides essential information immediately. Learn the techniques and refresh your memory often. Note: The Mayo Clinic does not recommend the new hands-only CPR for children under the age of 8 or drowning victims. Caretakers of infants and children should know conventional CPR with rescue breathing.
Attachment Parenting International: Parenting information and support, forums and articles.
Tribal Baby: A good resource on Elimination Communication, Breastfeeding, Sleep Sharing, and lots of other stuff!