Blissborn Parent Emails
This is where you access the Blissborn emails you can send to parents after each class is complete.
Another great way to stay in touch, and to ensure that they're doing their homework!
Just copy and paste the subject line, then the email body, into a new email for the class you just finished.
Individual instructions and reminders are listed in italics for each separate class.
Add any attachments, double-check your work for privacy issues, and send!
Jump to your class:
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You are always free to ask for help from Laura or Shelley or Rachel.
We've got your back.
Class 1
Subject: Blissborn Class 1 reminders
ERASE THIS BEFORE SENDING: This is the first in a series of emails that you have the option to share with your classes. You might want to store these emails in a folder in your email program named “Blissborn class emails,” so they’re easy to find. After your first class, copy and paste this entire document, without this part, for each class series, as a new email to your group. Take care to notice who has agreed to share their information with others!
Tip: Place your cursor in the email by clicking somewhere in the body of the email. “Control A” or “command A” will highlight everything in the body of the email. “Control C” or “command C” will copy it. In your new email, you can then hit “control V” or “command V” to paste it into the body of the new email. Forwarding emails often makes them look odd, with a line on the left side. Copying and pasting will look more professional.
Then, you can "reply to all” from that one to share the subsequent emails after each class. NEVER use one from a PAST class — it’s too easy to miss someone’s private information and forward it on. Fill in your own information on the bottom, where it has my name in a bold font, for the signature part. Read over it to make sure it’s all relevant to your group (for instance, if you’re teaching to just one couple you might not say “Hi all!”) Also, don’t forget to copy the subject line over each time. Be sure to let me know if you have questions!
Hi all! Thanks for a great first class!
This is the first of a few emails that will go out to you with helpful reminders about homework, things to think about, and links to relevant helpful places.
For class this week, don’t forget:
1) Listen to Disc 1 each day. Make time—you’ll get out what you put into this practice. Also, try to replace your disc time at least once with a partner script reading.
Tip: For nice background music, if you have subscriptions to Pandora or Spotify, download our Blissborn Radio stations
at the following links:
Listen to Blissborn radio for free at Pandora any time you could use more relaxation, and if you'll have internet service at your birth place!
If you have Spotify, you can access this playlist. We have hand-picked this music to support bliss and quiet in your rest, your labor, and your and birth.
(If you don’t have a subscription, these links won’t work very well…loud ads come on intermittently. Check your manual for other suggestions.)
2) Practice your Let Go Trigger at least three times a day. Don’t forget to hang that bathroom sign in your favorite bathroom. Your Let Go Trigger will probably be the tool you use most, so practice it a lot!
3) In your manual, read the Intro section and the in-class section. Also read “The Anatomy of Birth” and “The Stages of Labor” to prep for the game you’ll play in Class 2. It’s a tough game, so read up!
4) For partners: take the test about being an effective helper in labor. You’ll be discussing your answers in Class 2.
That’s the big stuff! Let me know if I can answer any questions or clarify any concepts for you. You are my top priority, and I’m here for you!
See you for Class 2… We’ll be working on the anatomy of birth and stages of labor, and putting some valuable partner skills in place so we can use them for the rest of class.
Laura Wood, CHt, BHE
Blissborn™ Hypnosis Educator
You're built for a better birth.
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Notice: This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy the e-mail message and any physical copies made. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
Class 2
Subject: Blissborn Class 2 reminders
ERASE THIS BEFORE SENDING: To make it easy, you can copy this email and "reply to all” from the previous email you sent your current class. NEVER use one from a PAST class — it’s too easy to miss someone’s private information and forward it on. Fill in your own information on the bottom, where it has my name in a bold font, for the signature part. Read over it to make sure it’s all relevant to your group (for instance, if you’re teaching to just one couple you might not say “Hi all!”) Also, don’t forget to copy the subject line over each time. Be sure to let me know if you have questions!
Hope you’re enjoying your Partner Trigger practice!
For class this week, don’t forget:
1) Listen to Disc 2 each day. Partners get their own track on this disc, too. Remember, try to replace your disc time at least once with a partner script reading, now that partners have their hypnotic voices down… Truthfully, on my best day, in my most hypnotic voice, I can’t relax moms as well or make them feel as safe and connected as partners can!
2) Practice your Let Go Trigger at least three times each day. Give yourself permission to open your eyes. Walk short distances. Always open your eyes before walking short distances. You can’t say I didn’t warn you.
3) Practice your Partner Trigger at least three times before the next class. It can be quick: Mom does Let Go Trigger. Partner does Partner Trigger. Partner says something like, “I love you. I’m here with you. We’ve got this.” Mom counts herself out. Everyone feels happy.
4) In your manual, read the homework sections, especially the parts about supporting each other, “For the mom,” and “For the partner.” Also read that fat handout, “Ecstatic Birth…” and feel amazed at the wonders of the human body.
5) For your blueprint, click the link below to watch two quick videos of normal birth in simplified 3D animation format: one with a focus on the cervix, and one with a focus on the pelvic bones and what a baby's "station" means in birth.
That’s most of it this time! Again, let me know if I can answer any questions or clarify any concepts for you.
See you for Class 3 … We’ll be working on fears. By the end of class, you’ll have a deep understanding of what fear is and how to work with it. For the rest of your life. Good stuff!
Laura Wood, CHt, BHE
Blissborn™ Hypnosis Educator
You're built for a better birth.
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Notice: This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy the e-mail message and any physical copies made. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
Class 3
Subject: Blissborn Class 3 reminders
ERASE THIS BEFORE SENDING: To make it easy, you can copy this email and "reply to all” from the previous email you sent your current class. NEVER use one from a PAST class — it’s too easy to miss someone’s private information and forward it on. Fill in your own information on the bottom, where it has my name in a bold font, for the signature part. Read over it to make sure it’s all relevant to your group (for instance, if you’re teaching to just one couple you might not say “Hi all!”) Also, don’t forget to copy the subject line over each time. Be sure to let me know if you have questions!
Hi, all!
What a powerful class we had. I hope you’re all feeling relaxed and peaceful, and very proud of yourselves for facing those fears.
For class this week, don’t forget:
1) Listen to Disc 3 each day. This one is short, to make it easy to keep working on those fears.
2) Do at least one session with the practice script. This one is the only one that’s different from the one we did in class, and the CD. Moms, you can read this one to your partners if you like, too, so they can experience the snowman.
3) Practice your Let Go Trigger three times a day. Give yourself permission to open your eyes and read your personalized affirmations aloud to yourself. Giving yourself exactly what you need is a kindness you always deserve. Practice this often.
4) Practice your Partner Trigger daily.
5) In your manual, read the homework section.
6) Moms, fill out the “Experience and Preference Inventory” for the next class. Partners, your answers are important too! We’ll be talking about this in our next class.
7) Definitely watch this video about a surgery performed only using hypnosis (no anesthesia).
And if you can, watch this video, in addition to the above one we refer you to in the book:
Hypnosurgery in Brussels:
I want you to come to class with your mind wide open to the fact that surgery can happen with no anesthesia—and you are going to learn those same techniques.
That’s the good stuff this time. I’m here for you if you have any questions.
See you for Class 4… This is where you get to see the results of everything you’ve been working on as it all comes together. We’ll find a common understanding about pain, and then I’ll show you a way to give yourself some pain so you can get rid of it!
Laura Wood, CHt, BHE
Blissborn™ Hypnosis Educator
You're built for a better birth.
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Notice: This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy the e-mail message and any physical copies made. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
Class 4
Subject: Blissborn Class 4 reminders
ERASE THIS BEFORE SENDING: To make it easy, you can copy this email and "reply to all” from the previous email you sent your current class. NEVER use one from a PAST class — it’s too easy to miss someone’s private information and forward it on. Fill in your own information on the bottom, where it has my name in a bold font, for the signature part. Read over it to make sure it’s all relevant to your group (for instance, if you’re teaching to just one couple you might not say “Hi all!”) Also, don’t forget to copy the subject line over each time. Be sure to let me know if you have questions!
Hi! I hope you have a great week practicing your Comfort Techniques. Isn’t it interesting to experience what your mind can do? Class 4 is usually everyone’s favorite class.
OK! For our last class this week, don’t forget:
1) Listen to Disc 4 each day. Start with the intro track, and then practice your comfort techniques, in whatever order you’d like. Remember to always finish with the affirmations, and ALWAYS the count out track. The sensations of labor are nothing compared to the pain of falling asleep with a clothespin on your ear!
2) Practice your Let Go Trigger daily. Use it with your favorite comfort technique during Braxton-Hicks contractions, or for any discomforts you’re experiencing.
3) Practice your Partner Trigger as often as you can.
4) In your manual, read the homework section, and scan or read the topics in “Handling the Unexpected.”
5) Start to get those final details nailed down. If you haven’t yet, go tour your hospital (regardless of your chosen birth scenario -- whether hospital, birth center, or home birth -- it’s a good idea to be familiar with the hospital you’ll be using, or the one you’d transfer to). Talk to your providers about your questions and concerns. Figure out what you need to do to put your mind at ease, and do it.
6) Check out some of the other interesting links at the website, below. There are a lot of great resources there. Remember to look for those quick videos of flowers blooming!
As always, let me know if I can answer any questions or clarify any concepts for you.
See you for Class 5… Our final class. We’ll be wrapping it all up, practicing contractions, working on priorities, talking about some other key concepts, and more!
Laura Wood, CHt, BHE
Blissborn™ Hypnosis Educator
You're built for a better birth.
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Notice: This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy the e-mail message and any physical copies made. Any other use is strictly prohibited.
Class 5
Subject: Blissborn Class 5 reminders
ERASE THIS BEFORE SENDING: To make it easy, you can copy this email and "reply to all” from the previous email you sent your current class. NEVER use one from a PAST class — it’s too easy to miss someone’s private information and forward it on. Fill in your own information on the bottom, where it has my name in a bold font, for the signature part. Read over it to make sure it’s all relevant to your group (for instance, if you’re teaching to just one couple you might not say “Hi all!”). Also, don’t forget to copy the subject line over each time. Be sure to let me know if you have questions!
**Don’t forget to attached their Word Doc to help them create their Birth Preferences!**
If you’d like, you can also add something in about a reunion after the last baby is born — couples love having them and are happy to do a potluck. You can arrange it, host it, or just get the ball rolling on it. They will also love to hear from you if you want to check in on them! And if you offer a referral discount, this is a great place to remind them of it; after or in place of the words at the end about how you’d love to hear from friends of theirs. Something like: Remember, I offer a (10%) discount to your friends and your referrals, so make sure they drop your name when they're signing up!
I hope this finds you all well! Last class email! This one is long…
Our classes just flew by. This last class was a little one — I hope you all share your stories with each other and with me. Hit “Reply to All” to share with each other — there’s nothing sweeter than baby pictures if you’d like to send some.
Check your Disc 6 recording before you go into labor. You want to make sure it's ready and working before the big day -- one less detail!
For the last class homework, don’t forget:
1) Listen to Disc 5 each day for about a week. This is a nice long relaxation similar to what we practiced in class. Redundant reminder: replace with the script in the manual at least once. You’re getting good at this now, right?
2) Keep on practicing your Let Go Trigger daily. Shake it up. Do it during yoga, at the doctor’s office, when you need to use a Comfort Technique, at the mall… remember, it won’t always be a perfectly quiet environment in labor. Get good at relaxing, even when it’s not easy.
3) Practice your Partner Trigger as often as you can. Even if you rarely get back to practicing it, IT WILL STILL WORK. Use it!
4) In your manual, read the homework section, and “After the Baby Comes.”
5) Get ready…get set… Get your bag together if you haven’t yet (pack like everyone is going to a hotel for three days, regardless of your chosen birth spot or planned amount of time before returning home – better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it). Refer to the list in the manual. Pass out handouts to your team and provider. Work on your Birth Preferences Document (see the word doc attached for help). Put those Informed Consent Cards in your wallet. Check out the other interesting links on the website:
Don’t forget to use the attached Word Doc to help create your Birth Preferences!
**Attach Word Doc here** (you can find it HERE and save it onto your computer in an easy-to-find place; erase this line when you're done)
Once you do the Class 5 week’s homework, you’re in the home stretch! Some things to work on before your very exciting birth day arrives:
1) Listen to your choice of discs once each day until your baby’s birth day. You’ll know which one is right for you that day. Partners, this is a great time to tell her to put her feet up for a while and make you a nice calm baby, while you take care of the dishes. It’s also a nice time to spend together practicing. Your choice.
2) Practice with scripts too.
3) Keep on practicing your Let Go Trigger daily. Pretty much forever. If you’re like me, you’ll probably find that you use this tool for the rest of your life, in situations like work frustrations, stubbed toes, public speaking, nausea, headaches, stopped traffic, insomnia, with needles, before surgery… You’ll find lots of opportunities to let go.
4) Once labor begins, partners sometimes have to get pushy about starting hypnosis. Whether it’s a reminder about Letting Go, reading a script to her or putting on a CD (your choice of which ones), go ahead and get it started early. Remember that Disc 6 and the “Blissful Birth” script are for use in labor, or when it’s time for labor to begin.
5) Have a great birth! You have lots of resources. You’re smart, capable, and strong. You’re confident, and with great reason. You’re connected and loved. You’ve got this!
6) Share your story! Pay it forward and open up a new world of possibilities for others. Loving your birth is kind of revolutionary.
7) Keep it going. This class is really designed to be the gateway to using these skills in your life. Share them with your child, to help support your child’s subconscious mind growing up in a healthy way. Help your loved ones. You have an incredible depth of knowledge about your mind, your body, fear, pain, trust, confidence, kind self-talk, good listening, controlling your thoughts, supporting your body, and more. And please be kind to yourself -- always and always and always. That one is a life-changer.
8) Like us on Facebook to keep the bliss going:
9) Sign up for the Blissborn newsletter, if you haven’t already. Get in touch if you have any questions, or to share your story. We LOVE to hear from you!
So, that’s about it. Please know I’m always available to you if I can support you in any way. I’d love to hear from friends of yours, too, if you would like to pass on my information.
Thanks so much for sharing this special time with me.
Laura Wood, CHt, BHE
Blissborn™ Hypnosis Educator
You're built for a better birth.
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Notice: This e-mail is intended solely for use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is proprietary, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and destroy the e-mail message and any physical copies made. Any other use is strictly prohibited.