A look at the materials
Want to take a peek at all of the great stuff we have for you?
If you're wondering what hypnosis sounds like, check out this recording.
Here you can find a sample hypnosis recording.
You will need a Dropbox account to access these materials. It's easy and free to sign up!
Here you can find images from the Parent Manual.
The 234-page Blissborn Parent Manual is packed with useful information. Follow the link to view sample pages on these topics:
- How to increase your responsiveness to hypnosis
- The partner's jobs
- Questions to ask a prospective doula
- Facing down fear
- Back labor — preventing it and dealing with it
- Labor and birth positions and practice
- A packing list for your birth place
- Anatomy of birth, including lots of illustrations
- Stages of labor
- How to have a great birth even if things don't go as expected
- The Table of Contents
And this is just a small part of the list! When you take a Blissborn class, you'll also learn:
- The Fear-Tension-Pain cycle (Blissborn breaks the cycle at all three points!)
- Modern maternity care
- Fun facts #7
- Natural birth is safe birth
- The scientific basis for getting the intellectual mind out of your labor
- How to stay in the best state - physically and mentally - for a peaceful birth
- Hormones in labor and birth
- Becoming aware of positive and negative states
- The nature of pain and the two ways to think about it
- Five great ways to transform or eliminate pain in hypnosis
- Other comfort measures
- Orgasmic birth
- Your Birth Preferences document
- Getting evidence-based care as well as informed consent
- Choices about your new baby
- Kangaroo care and holding your new baby close