Blissborn Training Payment
You may pay your entire fee or choose a payment option.
Please note, Early Bird Pricing only applies through sale date. After that, if you chose to pay in payments, your price for any remaining payments will go up to the full price for your balance.
Early Bird pricing through 3/20/22 for this online training.
Blissborn Educator Training, Live on Zoom! April 23 -24, 2022 & April 30-May 1, 2022 (Saturday-Sunday, two weekends in a row/attend both weekends) (One payment)
Blissborn Educator Training, Live on Zoom! April 23 -24, 2022 & April 30-May 1, 2022 (Saturday-Sunday, two weekends in a row/attend both weekends) (One payment)
Upon invitation, join us online for our live four-day Blissborn Educator Training. The legendary Barbara Harper joins Laura Wood, Blissborn Founder, to present an in-depth, life-changing four-day workshop.
April 23 -24, 2022 & April 30-May 1, 2022 (Saturday-Sunday, two weekends in a row/attend both weekends), live remote training
The cost of this course is usually $1,250 USD…
Online class/Early Bird rate until April 1, 2022 $725 USD
~After April 1, the price goes up to $900~
Your certification fee covers:
Your four-day training, led by Laura Wood, founder, and Barbara Harper, founder of Waterbirth International (and SO much more). Approximately 7 hours per day plus breaks, we will spend the following hours together each day (listed by time zone):
Pacific time (PST): 9 am to 12:30, and 1:30 pm to 5 pm
Mountain time (MST): 10 am to 1:30 pm, and 2:30 pm to 6 pm
Central time (CST): 11 am to 2:30 pm, and 3:30 pm to 7 pm
Eastern time: Noon to 3:30 pm, and 4:30 pm to 8 pm
This is an incredibly well-organized and complete hands-on training. You'll learn so much -- and it will change your career, the way you think about birth, and the way you think about life! Laura and Barbara are so excited to share these experiences with you.
All materials, including your Educator Manual binder (everything you need to know to teach each Blissborn class), your Educator Resources flash drive (including all marketing materials, logos, business card templates, in-class materials, intake forms for your students, all handouts, surveys for your students, the Blissborn Movie, and more), sample Parent Materials, a canvas bag, a due date/class calculator, sample pain-inducing devices (for testing our Comfort Techniques)... and lots more!
Your certification exam
Upon passing and completing all requirements, your two-year certification as a Blissborn Educator (BHE)
Upon certification, unlimited support as you begin your new practice and continue to grow your business
Upon certification, access to student materials for purchase (to be resold to your students, one set per mother required)
You are responsible for:
All fees
Attending all classes (exceptions can be made for parts of days with extreme circumstances—contact Laura)
Completing all steps and exam to receive certification
Schedule (please note, we will be moving fluidly, so this is just an approximation)
Day 1 (follow your time zone: PST/MST/CST/EST)
8:45/9:45/10:45/11:45 am
Meet and greet
9:00/10:00/11:00 am/noon
Get Started!
Hypnosis 101 (even if you've taken other hypnosis trainings, you'll find this fascinating and useful)
12:30/1:30/2:30/3:30 pm
1:30/2:30/3:30/4:30 pm
Affirmations practice
All about teaching: getting organized, things to keep in mind, all about the materials
5:00/6:00/7:00/8:00 pm
Day ends
Day 2
9:00 am to 5:00/10:00 am to 6:00 pm/11:00 am to 7:00 pm/noon to 8:00 (lunch 1 hour plus short breaks)
Learn how to teach Class 1
Learn how to teach Class 2
Practice sessions
Day 3
9:00 am to 5:00/10:00 am to 6:00 pm/11:00 am to 7:00 pm/noon to 8:00 (lunch 1 hour plus short breaks)
Learn how to lead Class 3: our fear-processing class. This powerful class will take us all day.
Day 4
9:00 am to 5:00/10:00 am to 6:00 pm/11:00 am to 7:00 pm/noon to 8:00 (lunch 1 hour plus short breaks)
Learn how to teach Class 4
Learn how to teach Class 5
Questions and answers
Exam and Certification
Each session will be recorded. This format obviously isn’t ideal, and we’ve changed our pricing to reflect this! But we can still have a wonderful, warm, amazing experience together, and we look forward to spending this time with you, getting to know you, and learning from you as well.
Feel free to reach out to Laura HERE with any questions.