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1. What is hypnosis?
Choose the most accurate answer.
A magic show, designed to fool the mind into thinking and doing funny things.
A natural state, accessible to everyone.
A way to access the conscious mind to make beneficial changes.
Something that is harder for smart people.
All of the above
None of the above
2. What are some of the tools we use in Blissborn?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Hypnosis, blueprints, partner skills, fear processing, comfort techniques
Meditation, yoga, nutrition, herbs
Birth art, writing workshops, drumming circles
All of the above
None of the above
3. A student discusses her first two experiences with hypnosis by saying her clothespin was bright purple, and that she couldn't stand how dirty her kitchen looked so she made it shiny and colorful. She's probably
Choose the most accurate answer.
Kinesthetic, with some Auditory
Visual, with some Kinesthetic
All three: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
Mostly Visual
Mostly Kinesthetic
4. A student discusses his first two experiences with hypnosis by saying he could feel the pressure of the clothespin on his fingertips, and that he was in an old-fashioned movie theater with soft velvet wallpaper and springy red seats. But he felt like it was a silent movie. He's probably
Choose the most accurate answer.
Kinesthetic, with some Visual
Visual, with some Kinesthetic
Mostly Auditory
Mostly Visual
Mostly Kinesthetic
5. A student discusses her first two experiences with hypnosis by saying she isn't good at this, because she couldn't really see the clothespin; She felt really relaxed but the only thing that was really clear was the sound of her bird screaming at her from the next room. She's probably
Choose the most accurate answer.
Kinesthetic, with some Visual
Visual, with some Auditory
Mostly Auditory
All three: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic
Mostly Kinesthetic
6. A student discusses her first two experiences with hypnosis by saying she felt incredible pressure from the clothespin; and that the taste and smell of the orange were so strong she salivated. She discusses seeing the bumps on the orange, and really hearing the slap as she caught it. She's probably
Choose the most accurate answer.
Kinesthetic, with some Visual
Auditory, with some Kinesthetic
Mostly Gustatory
All three: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic (plus Gustatory)
Mostly Kinesthetic
7. Why do we work with blueprints?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Most people rehearse having reactions to negative thoughts. Instead, we are guiding students to program and practice new ideas, to replace the old ideas about birth.
Imagination is the language of the conscious mind.
The subconscious is like a building, and we consciously build each of our beliefs and programs.
Birth is completely within our control; we only need to design it and it will be exactly as we hope.
All of the above
None of the above
8. What is the continuum of consciousness?
Choose the most accurate answer.
A theory of how time and space come together to create human consciousness
A tool for staying awake longer
A line drawn to explain how the subconscious is always in charge
An idea about our different states of alertness, and how they relate to the conscious and subconscious minds
All of the above
None of the above
9. The conscious mind is in charge of
Choose the most accurate answer.
Logic, numbers, language
Dreams, associations, sensory information
Drives, cycles, body systems
All of the above
None of the above
10. The subconscious mind is in charge of
Choose the most accurate answer.
Programs that run until they are updated or replaced
Dreams, associations, sensory information
Drives, cycles, body systems
All of the above
None of the above
11. What are the "Three P"s of good affirmations?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Present-tense. Powerful. Pleasing.
Positive. Present-tense. Powerful.
Playful. Passive. Positive.
Playful. Pleasing. Peaceful.
12. Select the best version of this affirmation about worries about labor.
Choose the most accurate answer.
I will be my best self on the day of my baby's birth.
My baby and my body are built for this. My baby's birth is perfect for me.
I am able to birth my baby in strength and power.
I am not afraid anymore. I have all I need to bring my baby into my arms.
13. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about a fear of needles.
Choose the most accurate answer.
When I see the glint of the needle, I relax completely.
Each time I feel the pinch, I trust it more and more.
As I relax and accept, I trust myself to breathe through every situation. The more I relax, the easier it becomes.
I am mighty and I am stronger than this fear.
14. Select the best version of these affirmations including faith.
Choose the most accurate answer.
God loves me and made me perfectly.
The universe holds me in the palm of its hand.
Birth is easy and natural for me. My body is beautifully built. Nature always finds a way.
I trust in the science and wisdom of this process. It makes sense to me.
All of the above
None of the above
15. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about a breech baby.
Choose the most accurate answer.
My baby knows the right position for birth. No matter what, my baby moves head down.
Birth is easy for me and my baby. After my baby turns, we will work together beautifully.
I am dedicated to achieving my superlative vaginal birth. I expend as much time and money as are required.
Visualizing the perfect position helps my baby turn and move. I now see my baby head down, facing my spine, as long as it is what is best for my baby and my body.