Please use the same name and spelling for each exam.
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1. The Let Go Trigger
Choose the most accurate answer.
is the same as the Partner Trigger.
is designed to take a mom back to a previous time in her life when she felt loved, safe and strong, confident, and supported, so that she can call on those resources any time she feels fear.
only works if it's quiet.
should only be used after labor has begun.
All of the above
None of the above
2. Which of these is a recurring theme in just about every class?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Every part of you is a good part that wants good things for you.
Parenting is a full-time job, just like accounting.
Eating well, exercising, and drinking castor oil are just as important as your attitude.
Natural birth is the best possible choice for you and your baby, and should be your only goal.
All of the above
None of the above
3. How soon after the first contraction should the mom start using hypnosis?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Right away, because first contractions tend to hurt more than later contractions.
As soon as the laboring mother wants to, but keep in mind that it might be useful to be in pain so her endorphins can kick in.
Wait until contractions are regular and five minutes apart.
Right away, because it's easier to continue with hypnosis if she starts when contractions are smaller and farther apart; plus she might be able to get some rest. The laboring mom might be resistant to starting hypnosis when it's easy, so partners might have to push it.
She shouldn't do it until she's really ready. If she's resistant, just let it go until she asks about it.
None of the above
4. Why is it important to look at priorities before the birth?
Choose the most accurate answer.
A. To help student find their highest priorities in this complicated process, so they remember the main objectives of this mission.
B. To point out that every single thing on the list is the most important thing.
C. To start a discussion about how there are lots of priorities in birth, and that they can and should hope for and work for the important things... and that they have a right to grieve what they don't get.
D. To help them start to think about how they'll fill out their Birth Preferences Document.
A, C and D
B and C
5. Birth Preferences documents
Choose the most accurate answer.
are a list of demands. You have to push care providers with your words, paper, and threats or they won't give you what you want.
aren't very important. Parents will get everything they want, just because they are smart and tough.
are respectfully written and short, and paint for care providers what a good birth looks like to these parents.
Outline how to care for a baby in the first six month of a baby's life.
All of the above
None of the above
6. What are the benefits of being upright and active during labor?
Choose the most accurate answer.
There are none, it's a myth
Moms can see everything better, so they can monitor who is coming and going
It's a great chance to tone and tighten muscles and build flexibility before the baby comes
Moving with the energy of birth helps the baby turn and move and descend
All of the above
None of the above
7. What are some of the benefits of being upright while pushing?
Choose the most accurate answer.
There are none, it's a myth
Moms can see everything better, so they can monitor who is coming and going
It creates up to 30% more room in the pelvis, and gravity can help bring the baby down
It gives care providers the best, most convenient view
All of the above
None of the above
8. What is Ericksonian hypnosis?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Named after a Viking, it's all about exploring and conquering the worlds within
A way of presenting stories within stories, so the mind wanders along, and learns passively
A way to discover your baby's true name
It's the same as the Iceburg analogy
All of the above.
None of the above.
9. Why does Blissborn provide information about new babies and the postpartum period -- not just labor and birth?
Choose the most accurate answer.
A. The mother won't know what to do if we don't tell them what will happen after the baby arrives.
B. The skills learned in Blissborn can be used for more than just getting the baby out.
C. Knowing what to expect, what normal looks like, during and after the birth, often helps the mother/parents feel more prepared and confident.
D. We can charge more for the class series if we add extra stuff.
A and D
B and C
10. What should parents do after Class 5?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Listen to the Class 5 recording until their baby is born
Listen to the Class 5 recording for about a week, and then whatever recording they'd like, until the birth
Forget everything they learned and hope for the best
Start listening to the 6th recording immediately
A and D
B and C
11. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about vaginal tearing.
Choose the most accurate answer.
My muscles are strong and tight, and my skin is stronger.
I ease my baby out, and I relax. My body is resilient and soft and my baby easily slides into my loving arms.
I won't tear because I will take it nice and slow, and I'll use my hypnosis.
My soft and supple skin will remain intact and strong. If I need stitches, I just relax and pay even more attention to my baby.
12. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about going back to work.
Choose the most accurate answer.
Even though I have to go back to work, I know I am doing it for our family. I'm proud of my job and I don't mind leaving my baby to provide for our family.
I know in my heart that I will do every single thing possible to provide for my baby. I can find him loving care, and I come home to him ready to connect.
I accept my situation, because it's unchangeable. I know I'll do the best I can.
I love my baby. I am in charge of my life. I make great choices. I always find my way.
13. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about hypnosis.
Choose the most accurate answer.
My hypnosis skills work beautifully because I trust myself. I have so much proof that I always handle whatever comes.
I am a birth warrior! I trust that the more I relax, the more peace I feel.
Because I relax so deeply, my breath guides me. My mind is deeply connected to my body and my instincts.
I am strong and smart, and so I allow my mind to guide me. I easily let go.
All of the above