Please use the same name and spelling for each exam.
First Name
Last Name
Certification number
1. Why is it important for a mom to be able to go into hypnosis instantly?
Choose the most accurate answer.
She must start hypnosis right after the first contraction or she won't be able to stay in control.
She needs to get ready for her partner to read to her, and we shouldn't make partners wait.
Contractions come on quickly. She won't have much warning or time to prepare and do a long relaxation before each one.
She needs to be able to understand what her care providers say to her.
All of the above
None of the above
2. If a student has trouble with distracting thoughts when she's practicing hypnosis, what would you tell her?
Choose the most accurate answer.
She needs to practice more.
It's fine. It will go away eventually.
She should repeat the hypnosis instructions in her mind, to let her mind be in charge. It will eventually get bored and get out of her way.
She should try sitting up straight in a less comfortable chair, and she should practice at different times of day.
All of the above
None of the above
3. If a student reports falling asleep during practice at home with the CDs, what would you tell her?
Choose the most accurate answer.
She needs to practice more.
It's fine. It will go away eventually.
She should repeat the hypnosis in her mind to have her mind be in charge. It will eventually get bored and get out of her way.
She should try sitting up straight in a less comfortable chair, and she should practice at different times of day.
All of the above
None of the above
4. Name the two elements of a mom’s homework each week that are essential for her success.
Choose the most accurate answer.
Reading and practicing hypnosis
The Let Go Trigger and imagining clouds floating away
The Let Go Trigger and the recordings
Reading the book and doing the exercises
5. The subconscious can handle
Choose the most accurate answer.
40 bits of information a second
4000 bits of information a second
40 million bits of information a second
40 billion bits of information a second
6. Blissborn doesn't change most of the language of birth because
Choose the most accurate answer.
We don't want to challenge the system that's been in place for 1,000 years.
Care providers are generally going to do whatever they want and we just need to accept it and meet them where they are.
We don't want to focus on the things that don't matter.
Most of the language about birth is an accurate description, but we DO change some language to be more positive, because language matters.
All of the above
None of the above
7. Name some ways Blissborn is different from other birth classes
Choose the most accurate answer.
A. We meet birth where it is today, and work with parents to move their goals forward.
B. We believe that natural birth is the only way to give birth.
C. We have a whole class dedicated to working with, and getting through fears.
D. We focus our work on the moms, and let them bring their partners to watch.
E. We have well-designed, modern materials created with adult education in mind.
F. We offer lots of tools and life skills and focus on the whole family.
All of the above
A, C, D, and E
A, C, E, and F
B, E, and F
8. Many couples choose hypnosis for pain control, but they don’t know about the other benefits of using hypnosis in labor and birth. What are some other benefits students report?
Choose the most accurate answer.
A. Improved sleep
B. Feeling closer as a couple
C. Lessened anxiety
D. A way to work with other fears, such as needle phobias
E. Excitement about birth
All of the above
9. What organization claims that 90-95% of healthy women and babies should be able to have normal vaginal births?
Choose the most accurate answer.
The World Birth Foundation
The World Health Organization
The Vaginal Birth Awareness Organization
The Cesarean Action Network
10. A student asks you what you think of some advice her doctor gave her. She's feeling doubtful that it's the right thing for her. What do you do?
Choose the most accurate answer.
Tell her "As a childbirth educator, I never give any sort of medical advice," and encourage her to do some more research and possibly get a second opinion.
Ask more questions and give a solid, well-informed opinion about what she should do.
Tell her what you would do in that situation.
Ask the rest of the class what they think.
All of the above
None of the above
11. What are the mental and physical steps to the Let Go Trigger?
Choose the most accurate description.
A. Relax your jaw and tongue
B. Count from 1 to 5
C. Take a breath in through your nose, breathe out the words "Let go" and close your eyes
D. Imagine floating and drifting
E. Set your intention, get comfortable, find a spot to stare at
F. Moisten your mouth, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, behind your teeth
B, then A, then C, then D
E, then F, then C, then A
E, then C, then B, then F
12. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about a long labor.
Choose the most accurate answer.
My labor is short and sweet. My baby and my body work together to move along rapidly and comfortably.
My labor is less than 24 hours.
I trust my body to find just the right amount of time for birth. My baby will be born at the perfect time.
A long labor is easy for me because I know I can handle any challenges that come.
13. Select the best version of this affirmation on worries about labor.
Choose the most accurate answer.
My baby is strong, my body is strong, my birth is my own.
My healthy baby is going to be born in just the right way for me.
My healthy baby is born without drugs. I can do this.
I depend on my partner to get me and my baby through this.
14. Select the best version of these affirmations about worries about family.
Choose the most accurate answer.
I easily allow my family to do whatever they need to in my birth, because I know how important it is to them to be there.
My voice is clear and strong. My needs are valid. I speak my truth.
My mother wants what is best for me and I will help her treat me well. I will have all the focus I need to direct her.
I breathe and accept whatever happens. I might not be able to change my crazy family, but I can accept them.